Internal Links

Orchid's has a simple yet powerful convention for finding pages and generating links throughout your site.

Locating Pages with Collections

Collections take groups of pages or other indexed content and make it accessible. Whenever you want to create a link from one page to another, you will typically use one of the linking utilities to lookup the related content. All these functions implement a similar interface, so using one over another is simple and always familiar.

Searching within collections is designed to have a consistent API that allows your searches to be as simple and intuitive to use as possible. There are three fundamental properties that are important when searching a collection: itemId, collectionType, and collectionId. In the vast majority of searches, just providing the itemId is enough to uniquely identify the page of interest, but in the case that this is not specific enough, the collectionType and collectionId can be used to guarantee the search returns the page you expect.

Item Id

The itemId is usually the title of a page, but may be another "identifier" set up by specific plugins. Pages can have more than one itemId, such as a class page from the OrchidKotlindoc plugin having a title of the simple class name, but having an additional ID for the fully-qualified name.

Since 0.18.0, item IDs are no longer determined ad-hoc but are strongly defined for all pages, which means they can be found in your Admin Panel!

Collection Id

The collectionId is used to filter pages by those in a specific collection. An example of this is linking to another page in the same wiki, or linking to a blog post with a specific tag.

Collection Type

The collectionType is usually defined to be the key of the generator which produced the collection. In this way, you can pretty easily restrict the search results to those from a single plugin.

Linking Utilities

Anchor Function

Use the anchor function to easily create a link to another page in your Orchid site. If a page is found that matches the query, an anchor tag is generated pointing to that page. If no page if found, the link text is returned directly, so this function will help prevent dead links.

The first parameter is the link text to be displayed, and the rest are the normal search params. If only one parameter is given, it will be used as both the itemId and the link text, making it almost trivial to make a link.

This function is analogous to the <a href="">page</a> menu item.

{{ anchor('Link Text/Item Id') -> <a href="...">Link Text</a> or "Link Text" }}
{{ anchor('Link Text', ['itemId', 'collectionId', 'collectionType']) }}
{{ anchor(title='Link Text', itemId='itemId', collectionId='collectionId', collectionType='collectionType') }}

Use the link function to render just the String URL to a matching page. This is useful if you need to display that URL directly or you need an anchor to wrap other elements. Otherwise you should use anchor to let Orchid render the link for you.

This function is analogous to the <a href="">page</a> menu item.

{{ link(['itemId', 'collectionId', 'collectionType']) -> }}
{{ link(itemId='itemId', collectionId='collectionId', collectionType='collectionType') }}

Find Function

The find function will find a matching page and return the page object directly to the template.

This function is analogous to the <a href="">page</a> menu item.

{{ find(['itemId', 'collectionId', 'collectionType']) -> OrchidPage }}
{{ find(itemId='itemId', collectionId='collectionId', collectionType='collectionType') }}

Find All Function

The findAll method matches all pages in a given query, and returns the list of matching pages directly to the template.

This function is analogous to the <a href="">collectionPages</a> menu item.

{{ findAll(['itemId', 'collectionId', 'collectionType']) -> List<OrchidPage> }}
{{ findAll(itemId='itemId', collectionId='collectionId', collectionType='collectionType') }}

Orchid 0.18.0 introduces a new "diagnosis mode" to help you find broken links and address various other issues in your site. It can be enabled with the --diagnose CLI flag, or through the conventions of your build tool shown below:

# Gradle
./gradlew orchidBuild -PorchidDiagnose=true

# Maven
./mvnw orchidBuild -Dorchid.diagnose=true

./sbtw -Dorchid.diagnose=true orchidBuild

When diagnosis mode is enabled, all cases where the anchor() function does not return a page will be printed to the terminal. The same behavior will be logged for other cases throughout the internals and plugins of Orchid which try to link to a page but cannot. This is helpful for detecting cases where a page was renamed or removed, but links to it are still active. It may indicate a link that needs to be updated, or a section of your documentation that needs to be removed or rewritten.

In addition to detecting broken links, diagnosis mode will also enable other diagnostic info, such as complete stacktraces from exceptions thrown while rendering a template.